The Proto-Indo-European word *weĝh-
Word *weĝh-
Meaning to bear, to carry, to ride
See also Proto-Indo-European: *weĝhnos ‘wagon’
Proto-Indo-European: *weĝhyehₐ ‘road, track’
Synonyms *bʰer-, *tleh2-

Eng. wegan/weigh, Lat. vehō, Oscan veia, Umbrian ar'veitu, Gk. ekhos/, Skr. vahati, Av. vazaiti, Russ. vezti, Polish wieźć, Alb. vjedh;udhë, Gm. biwegan/bewegen, ON vega, Goth. gawigan, Ir. fén/, Welsh gwain, Lith. vežti, Ltv. vest, Old Prussian vessis, Umbrian ařveitu, Gaul. Uecturius, Toch. wkäṁ /yakne, OCS vezǫ

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