The Latin word oculus
Word oculus
Meaning eye
See also Greek: ὄκκον ‘eye’
Hittite: ša-ku-u̯a ‘eye’
Tocharian A: ak ‘eye’

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cutis ‘skin’, sanguis ‘blood’, os ‘bone’, ovum ‘egg’, cornu ‘horn’, cauda ‘tail’, penna ‘feather’, pilus ‘hair’, caput ‘head’, auris ‘ear’, nasus ‘nose’, naris ‘nose’, ōs ‘mouth’, dens ‘tooth’, lingua ‘tongue’, unguis ‘fingernail’, pes ‘foot’, crus ‘leg’, genu ‘knee’, mānus ‘hand’, ala ‘wing’, venter ‘belly’, cervix ‘neck’, mamma ‘breast’, cor ‘heart’, iecur ‘liver’, aeger ‘sick’, animus ‘courage, vivacity, bravery, will, spirit, soul’, arma ‘arms, weapons’, barba ‘beard, whiskers’, capillus ‘hair’, collum ‘neck’, coma ‘hair of the head, leaves, rays of light’, comminus ‘hand to hand, in close combat’, corpus ‘body, corpse’, crinis ‘hair’, spuō ‘to spit’, mordeō ‘to bite, to chew’