The Tocharian B word keṃ
Word keṃ
k e ṃ
IPA keṃ
Meaning earth
See also Homeric Greek: χθών ‘earth’
Phrygian: ΖΕΜΕΛΩΣ ‘man, human being’
Proto-Indo-European: *ĝhðem-, ĝhðom- ‘earth’
Avestan: zam- ‘earth, ground’

Other words that might be of interest
stām ‘tree’, wartto ‘forest’, karāś ‘forest’, kärweñe ‘stone’, warañc ‘sand’, tweye ‘dust’, taur ‘ash, dust’, ṣale ‘mountain’, tsrerme ‘ditch’, murye ‘ditch, irrigation’, āre ‘dust’, spaitu ‘dust’, kenätstse ‘earthly’, dvīp ‘island’, prenke ‘island’, ṣpel ‘mud’, warañce ‘sand’, or ‘wood’