The Thracian mountain name Kogaionon
Word Kogaionon
Meaning mountain name
See also Thracian: kaga ‘sacred, holy’


Holy mountain of the Getae and Dacians.

See Olteanu (1989), Sluşanschi (1989)

S. Palinga (2006)

The sacred mountain of the northern Thracians (the Daci or Getae). Cf. NM Gugu (Romania), NP Goga, also gogă ‘a ghost, a phantom’ = Alb. gogë etc. Probably archaic Preie. root *K-K-, *G-K- ‘to swell, to inflate; big, make big’. The Romanian mountain Gugu cannot be held as a direct heir of the ancient form, but as a similar, etymologically related place-name. There are no archaeological proofs that Mt. Gugu may directly continue the ancient form.

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