The C. Luwian word ḫa-a-aš-ša
Word ḫa-a-aš-ša
IPA ḫāšša
Meaning bone
See also Proto-Indo-European: *h₂óst ‘bone’
Latin: os ‘bone’
Greek: οστόν ‘bone’
Ossetian (Iron): стæг ‘bone’
Hittite: ḫa-aš-ta-a-i ‘bone’

Other words that might be of interest
iš-ša-ri-iš ‘hand’, kal-du-un-ni-iš ‘leg’, la-a-li ‘tongue’, ti-i-ta-ni ‘breast, teat’, ḫar-ma-ḫa ‘head’, pa-ta-a-aš ‘foot’, a-a-aš-ša ‘mouth’, za-ar-ta ‘heart’, a-aš-ḫar-ša ‘blood’, tum-ma-a-an ‘ear, hearing’, ta-a-wa- ‘eye’, tap-pa-a-ni-in ‘hair’, pa-a-ar-ta ‘leg, hoof’, tap-pa- ‘to spit’, a-ru-ta- ‘wing’, tar-mi-iš ‘nail, peg’, du-u-ur ‘urine’