The Palaic word zu-uz-zu-wa
Word zu-uz-zu-wa
IPA zuzzuwa
Meaning food, bread
Notes/Remarks The etymology of this word is uncertain
See also Hittite: zu-u-u̯a- ‘bread, food’
C. Luwian: zu-u-wa-an ‘bread, food’
Hurrian: izuzi ‘spelt’
Synonyms u-iš-ta-aš

Some kind of food or bread.

Other words that might be of interest
a-ḫu- ‘to drink’, a-ta- ‘to eat’, ša-am-lu-u- ‘apple’, ma-li-ta- ‘honey’, aš-ku-ma-u-wa ‘meat’, ga-aš-šu-u-ta-at ‘meat, body parts’