The Proto-Indo-European word *sólwos
Word *sólwos
Meaning whole
See also Homeric Greek: ὅλοξ ‘whole, entire, complete’
Homeric Greek: οὔλω ‘to be whole’
Homeric Greek: οὖλος ‘whole, entire’
Hittite: šal-li-iš ‘big, great, large, vast, head, chief’
Synonyms *kailo-, *kóhailus

Toch. salu/solme, Gk. holos, Arm. olj/volj/volč, Ir. slán/slán, Alb. gjallë, Skr. sarva, Av. haurva, Kamviri sũdi, Polish sowity, Welsh holl, Lat. salvus, Oscan salavs, Umbrian saluvom, Russ. sulej, Pers. haluva/, OCS sulĕi