Below you'll find the list of languages and dictionaries currently available on Palaeolexicon.
In the future more languages will be added.
For each language there's a dictionary index and in several cases an article containing extended information on the history of that language.
The partial dictionaries are dictionaries that you cannot browse (because they are incomplete), but will return results when you search for something that give a hit within them.
Dictionary name |
Aeolic Greek |
Ancient Macedonian |
Arcado-Cypriot Greek |
Armenian |
Attic Greek |
Basque/Euskara |
Doric Greek |
Greek |
Ionic Greek |
Latin |
Lemnian |
Mitanni |
Old Persian |
Ossetian (Iron) |
Pr.Indo-Iranian |
Proto-Anatolian |
Proto-Celtic |
Proto-Italic |
Proto-Tungus |
Proto-Uralic |
Sanskrit |